
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Well here Iam, been a bit busy lately and havent had much time to get to my blog.Im not sure what Ive actually been doing I just know Im tired alot .Maybe its age catching up to me finally. I pretty much do the same thing every day... go to work, feed horses and do barn chores, clean the house, chase the dogs around, do laundry, go back to work , feed horses again , feed husband and dogs, clean up dinner mess, make hubbys lunch for next day and in bed by 10pm.
oh yes then at work Ive been putting in time having meetings, first to ge t a new contract for the drivers & bus aides and now on a committe to have a "handbook " in place for all the employees at the bus garage.
So I think I would like to do NOTHING at all for an entire day, stay in my p.j.s for as long as I can , get someone to take care of the animals ,feed the husband and wait on me for once with dinner cooked and the kitchen cleanup afterward. Yep , that would be a perfect day for me !!
So what would be your perfect day?

1 comment:

  1. tell my dad to give you one of those days! have him do the chores and cook for you.

    last saturday, andy gave me a pjs day. he did all the cooking and cleaning and i stayed in my pjs all day. it was so relaxing.
