
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ever wonder, how you got to where you are in life? Lately I've thought about it and from my childhood and the memories, to young adulthood, to all the stages and people that have been a part of it,, good & bad. Im not so sure how I ended up where Iam today, except to say Thank You !! Yep thanks to every & all the people, places, situations, and any conflicts Ive endured, for you see , Im thanful for every moment as , where Im at in my life now.. Im happy and wouldnt change a thing. You ask this questions at least once in your life or have someone ask you, If there is one thing in your life you would do over or could change , what would it be ? Well my answer would be " Nothing , not a thing !" You see I would not have met & married the man who I feel is my soul-mate. I know that sounds kinda corney, think about it ..... when you come across a certain person who you have a connection with that seems eeriely familar and knows what you are thinking and feeling almost before you do. No matter what you do or say , you just work thru whatever life throws at you together, have complete trust (huge with me) and to know when to give you your space and not feel offended. That is my definition of a soul-mate. So thanks again for the life I lead and the people in it.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Did you ever wonder?

As Ive sat here for almost the past 2 hours trying to set-up my blog, its finally dawned on me WHY in the world would I continue to sit here and wait for my selections to be applied and not just say "Screw IT !!!" I guess after 7 years with dial-up...yes I said dial-up. Its still available and out there being used by some of us who chose to live in remote places and or are to cheap to spend the $ to get satellite service, which I'm under both catergories. Proves that I wouldnt know the difference of a connection that actually was almost instance verses what Ive become acustomed to..I guess I just dont know any better is out there. So now Ive completed most of what I planned out to do....IM GOING TO BED !!!! DIAL_UP ....YOU HAVE BEATEN ME ONCE AGAIN !!