
Saturday, March 13, 2010

What have we become? This is Sat night ! Isnt this about the time people are out and about on a Sat night? We are a sad bunch, cause as I log onto facebook , I find not 2, not 3 , not even 4, but 5 people I know, all signed on and its only 9:30 pm. So I wonder is it that we are getting older, then NO ,cause there is a wide range of ages on FB right now. So what is it , the economy, or are we just bored, then it hit me ... its RAINING out!! Yep its plain miserable out and not to mention a bit on the cool side. So its easier to "Hang out" on FB in a warm house in "comfy clothes" and see what you're friends are up to on a cold rainy saturday night...and surprise they think just like you, What are you nuts.. going out on a night like this ?

1 comment:

  1. I find I go out once a month, if that, on a Saturday or Friday night. And I'm only 38. I'm a lame-o.
